How to pronounce Arkansas

Inspired by a mistake just heard on German radio, I thought I’d discuss the correct pronunciation of Arkansas. The correct British pronunciation is [ɑːkənsɔː], whereas the correct American pronunciation is [ɑːrkənsɔː] or the less common [ɑːkənsɑː]. You can listen to the first two variants here. Importantly, in all of these variations, the s at the end

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Thru or through

The word thru is an informal abbreviation for through, and hence not part of the standard English language. Therefore, it is not acceptable in formal writing. Interestingly though, thru has become so widely used that you can often see it used in internet communication and text messaging. And of course there is the drive thru,

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How to pronounce Disney, Wembley, and volley

Today, I want to cover a topic that has been suggested by Gerrit, a follower of my blog on FB. He pointed out that German native speakers (and quite likely also people with other native languages) sometimes have difficulties getting the pronunciation of the syllable ‘ey’ right. For example, in the words Disney, Kinsey, hockey,

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What is your funniest typo?

Typos happen whenever something is written. Even spell checkers and proof reading can not always eliminate all mistakes, for example when the misspelled word is also a valid word in the language used (but with a different meaning). Among the countless boring typos, there are some which stand out, because they transform a regular sentence

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Anglizismen overload

Although I love the English language, I do not appreciate the (unnecessary) overuse of English words in German. Hence, I try to avoid words such as Beamer (Projektor), Handy (Mobiltelefon) or Headset (Kopfhörer). Today, I overheard two inspiring conversations featuring anglicisms I had not heard before. The first was Wir können ja wieder disconnecten referring

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