Clever marketing or bad English?
In the past, I have had a few posts on the topic of company names or advertising slogans that, strictly speaking, make use of incorrect English. A good example is the slogan “Cheat legal” used by a company called SKINS, see here. As in the famous case of Apple’s “Think different“, one may argue that bad/incorrect English was used on purpose to make the slogan more memorable. However, I doubt that this is very often the case, especially in the case of companies in non-English-speaking countries where potential customers would likely not even notice the mistake.
Today’s example concerns a German pizza delivery service that goes back all the way to the 1980s. Because I walk by one of their branches almost every day, I can’t ignore the fact that the company name “Call a pizza” is just awful for anyone with an interest in the English language. Just ask yourself: what would you say when a pizza picks up the phone?