Charmin(g) pronunciation

Charmin(g) pronunciation

The value of toilet paper has apparently increased this year due to the pandemic. Quite recently, I learned that there is an interesting difference in the pronunciation of the brand name Charmin in German commercials, as compared to the original (American) pronunciation. According to various videos and the Wikipedia page, Charmin is originally pronounced as [ˈʃɑːrmɪŋ] (listen here), as opposed to the pronunciation of the word charming, given by [ˈtʃɑːmɪŋ] (listen here). The latter is used in German commercials of the brand, as in this example:


Embedding foreign brand names in a language can be challenging and often leads to creations that I find painful to listen to. Two previous examples covered on this blog are Miracle Whip and Porsche.

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